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Pakistan Higher Education Commission Withdraws Notice Banning Holi in Universities

Pakistan Higher Education Commission Withdraws Notice Banning Holi in Universities
Pakistan Higher Education Commission Withdraws Notice Banning Holi in Universities

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The prior notification by Pakistan's Higher Education Commission (HEC) to forbid students from participating in Holi, the Hindu festival of colors, has been removed. The decision to revoke the notice was made in response to strong opposition and broad criticism from a variety of sources, underscoring the significance of religious tolerance and cultural diversity in higher education institutions.


The HEC's initial warning caused a stir and raised questions about whether religious and cultural freedoms were being violated. Abolishing Holi, which is widely observed, would, according to critics, not only restrict religious expression but also damage colleges' commitment to inclusivity and concord.


Withdrawal of notification by HEC is a step in the right direction for respect for cultural diversity and religious harmony. exhibits a readiness to value various religious practices and to support an inclusive atmosphere in educational institutions.


The event serves as a reminder of the significance of protecting the rights to freedom of religion and cultural expression, both of which are necessary to advance diversity, mutual respect, and understanding. The promotion of these principles is a major responsibility of educational institutions, and the HEC's decision to abolish the Holi prohibition is a testament to its dedication to fostering an atmosphere that cherishes religious and cultural diversity.


The HEC and other pertinent authorities must make sure going ahead that policies and guidelines are inclusive and sensitive to the requirements and customs of various religious and cultural communities. This involves establishing a culture that respects and values other traditions and practises, as well as encouraging awareness, tolerance, and understanding among staff members and students.


Last but not least, the Pakistan Higher Education Commission's decision to revoke its notice of a ban on Holi festivities in academic institutions is a step in the right direction towards religious tolerance and cultural diversity. The event serves as a reminder of how crucial it is to promote the values of inclusivity, respect for one another, and freedom of religion at educational institutions. In Pakistan's higher education system, it is crucial to create a welcoming atmosphere that promotes diversity and the commemoration of diverse religious and cultural festivals.

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